Photo: wildxplor

Having spent long periods in some of the wild places of the Earth, I have come to notice a direct relation between the scarcity of animal and marine life and human habitation.
Even small human population density, such as cleared land and small villages seems to have a negative  impact on the natural world. Often completely wiping out animal, bird or marine populations and worse still,  its habitat.


TERCIOPELO or Fer-De-Lance. In panama it is generally called the X – pronounced exe  Photo:  wildxplor 

It is important to understand that without the natural habitat, it almost guarantees the eradication of the fauna in the affected region. In this we stand at an abyss and we have to make a choice.


Coiled and waiting for prey to pass.  Photo:  wildxplor

Shall can continue to view the natural world as our enemy to be feared and tamed, wild species and places to be bent to our will or eradicated.
Or can we can learn to live alongside and in some harmony with the Earths wild places, and the habitats that are so Necessary for its survival. The animal kingdom seems to beat to its own tune and often fears and avoids humankind, with good reason.

Howler Monkey with baby.

Shouldn’t we Think of a future that will include the next generation, It seems we need to make the long journey to right some of the wrongs of past and present.
If we do not do this our children will live in a world where these Magnificent creatures will be read of only in history books and it    will be a much poorer place for it.

This snake eats birds and especially birds eggs. Seen here blending perfectly into the under-Growth.  Photo:  wildxplor
Zoom in to see how well this snake blends in.  Photo:  wildxplor

It would be good to think that the more we focus on the subject, bringing these  magnificent places to the people of the world. Showing the animal life and wild scenery in its natural state, and the danger uncontrolled development poses, then perhaps things will change.

This three toed sloth climbs to the upper foliage. Photo: wildxplor

People may become encouraged to get out and see for themselves the incredible beauty and diversity of our earth, our only home.
There are many noble organizations trying to make a difference, their individual voices are not loud

 This Coati moves easily amongst the branches of a tree, foraging for food: on the Darien coast. Photo wildxplor

Maybe if enough voices were to unite then great changes can transpire.