This  mountain gorge has been carved fantastic formations over millions of years, it is now a gentle giant due to hydropower. This though has allowed the exploration on foot that was once almost impossible, it is still home to the Puma, Jaguar and tapir, amongst other animals.

A Male Ocelot or Mani Gordo as it is Known in Panama. Photo wildxplor

Some long swims and climbs link this once almost impassable canyon.
This is best done with the low water levels of the dry season, and as it is relatively remote, along with the extreme terrain and the wildlife of the area it made this an intense Experience.


This collapsed cave on the Darien coast was so well hidden that only by scanning google earth was it possible to find it. Photo wildxplor

There is something very special about seeing a place for the first time and by that it does not mean you have to have been the first person there, but that initial first discovery of getting a great view or negotiating a difficult path to find yourself in a wonderful wild place is very special. Many material things can be taken from us but the memories of what we have personally  accomplished are forever. It can be something so simple such as seeing an interesting area on a map and saying to oneself I want to see that for myself. It is never going to be exactly as you imagined many times it is much more than you imagined.

This shows the power of water. Photo wildxplor


The wild Pacific coast of Darien where the jungle comes right down to the sea and only small indigenous villages interrupt the natural world. Photo wildxplor

We live in an age where we are led to believe that there is little left to explore. Nothing could be further from the truth, great tracts of mountains, deserts and of course the ocean depths remain relatively untouched by mankind, and even if they have been visited before, little is known about them,  you can easily imagine that you were the first person to stand there.


View into the Mountains. Photo Wildxplor


Raptors Rehabilitation

Read the article in posts!

India Is a Female Aguila Crestada Real or Ornate Hawk Eagle See the article Raptors To The Rescue. Photo wildxplor

In our headlong rush to modernisation we have come to live in the great cities of the world, we have taken on a virtual existence through computers, televisions and cellphones, thousands of different electronic devices vie for our limited attention. We seem to have lost the appreciation of the simplest and most powerful creation, that of the natural world itself.


A Remote Cascade. Photo wildxplor

It is easy to think believe we have declared war on our own world, we see it as only a means to further our wealth acquisition, a vast warehouse to be plundered.

The wild Pacific Darien Coast. Photo wildxplor


By actually spending time in the wild places the Earth has still to offer, you can get a completely different view of things, the terrible natural balance of these areas will become clearer.

This Canyon is a gentle giant. Photo wildxplor

It is easy to think that nature is pitiless and to a certain extent it is, weakness is little tolerated in places such as this, but I personally have found that they can also bring you great strength and balance. I certainly hope that this website can help inspire others to get out, see and feel for themselves the power of the wild places of our planet.

A secluded little visited beach in Darien. Photo wildxplor


A small waterfall at La Fortuna in the mountains whilst out with Panama Enduro Tours. Photo wildxplor

Post – Enduro Biking Chiriqui Style.                                                                          A day out Exploring with Panama Enduro Tours see the post:     Enduro Biking Chiriqui Style